Worship and Prayer for Estonia

February 23, 2024 at 19:00
In Kaarli Church – Toompuiestee 4, Tallinn

Dear Estonians, good friends, brothers and sisters!
Let’s come and pray once again for our country and people!

Dear friends, fellow believers, brothers and sisters, Estonian people!

Let’s gather together on Friday, February 23 at 19:00 at Kaarli Church to thank God for all the years we have lived freely in Estonia and praise Him for the many favors and opportunities.

We are in a critical time as a nation and a country. Today, our place in heaven is still open. God calls everyone to turn wholeheartedly from darkness, lies, injustice, impurity and evil and open themselves to His love, forgiveness and reconciliation. Let’s surrender to the Lord and give our lives as instruments of Light and ask Him to give us, as a nation, a special time where truth and grace can rise for mercy and edification.

We come together to say: “Your will be done!”

Let’s pray that we could gather on Maundy Thursday, March 28 at 11:45 a.m. as a common voice across Estonia to pray: “Our Father who is in Heaven”

Donations can be made on February 23 on site at the Kaarli Church and at other times by transfer here: