Fasting and Prayer for Estonia

Several pastors and ministers received a similar encouragement/word: “Days of prayer and fasting for Estonia!” On February 19 – 21, 2023, we stood up to this word with the Christians of Estonia, repenting, asking for mercy for Estonia and the people, and worshipping God. 
On February 21, we gathered at Tallinn Methodist Church for a joint evening of prayer. More than a thousand Christians from different parts of Estonia were present, and a large number of people also joined and prayed with us via livestreams. 

Estonia continues to need our prayers! We invite you to persevere in the fight of faith for Estonia! Also, to keep our hearts pure and to be ready to follow God’s next calls in each of our lives.

Exactly 6 months before that, on August 21, 2022, we gathered in Tallinn Methodist Church for prayer and repentance when we received the word “Estonia is on the scales”. We repented of replacement theology, blessed Israel – the apple of God’s eye, and repented of underestimating God’s love! But now there was a new word: “Days of fasting and prayer for Estonia!

It is noteworthy that the Bible says in Romans 1:16: “I am not ashamed of the gospel (good news), for it is the power of God for salvation (deliverance) to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek…” to Estonian (to gentiles).

Listen to the radio program Days of Fasting and Prayer for Estonia


The Prayer Evening held on February 21, 2023 can be watched in Pildiraadio, Taevas TV7 in YouTube channels.

The Prayer Event held on August 21, 2022 can be watched on Pildiraadio in YouTube.