We are approaching the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia. As a people of faith we will gather in Tallinn, in the Methodist Church, on February 15 at 17:00 to pray as Elijah prayed.
In addition, we will participate for the first time in Timo Lige’s musical prayer “My God, My People”.

Dear people of Estonia, good friends, brothers and sisters!
Let’s come and pray once again for our country and people!

Dear friends, fellow believers, brothers and sisters, people of Estonia!

Let us come together on Saturday, 15 February at 17.00 to pray for Estonia as Elijah prayed.

Let us give thanks, pray, and offer a common sacrifice of praise together with Timo Lige and friends, summed up by a musical prayer:

My God, my people“.

As a country and as a people, we are in a time of turbulence. Today the heavens above us are still open.Today is the time for us to turn to the Lord with all our hearts and cry out, “Lord, please have mercy!

Let us surrender to the Lord and give our lives as instruments of the Light, and ask Him to grant us as a people a special time when truth and grace may arise.

We come together to say: “Lord, may Estonia be Yours!

We will gather in the Methodist Church, Narva mnt 51, Tallinn.

Donations can be made on February 15 on-site at the Methodist Church and at other times by transfer here: